
London Rapid Reviews Analysis Report
London Rapid Reviews Analysis Report:
The Executive is pleased to publish the London Rapid Review Analysis Report of Reviews carried out by London’s LSCPs between April 2023 and March 2024. 79 Reviews were analysed, relating to 96 children. There were themes around neglect, SUDI (Sudden and Unexpected Deaths in Infancy), Extra-Familial Harm and Suicide. There are ten recommendations made to improve practice, one of which is for the London SCP to make neglect its third priority area. This has been accepted by the Executive and work is underway to develop the focus of this work. The Executive would like to thank the Partnerships who provided anonymised Rapid Reviews for this Analysis and looks forward to working with partners on implementing the recommendations.
London Rapid Reviews Analysis Report:
London Rapid Review Analysis Report
London Rapid Reviews Analysis Report:
London Rapid Reviews Analysis Report:
June 2019: London Protocol for the provision of local authority accommodation for children held in police custody
London Rapid Reviews Analysis Report:
This Protocol aims to facilitate an improvement in outcomes for children held in police custody – a group of children who often end up in custody because of their vulnerability and who, whilst in custody, will be at a point of crisis. It seeks to facilitate this by supporting professionals involved in the transfer of children in custody to local authority accommodation to understand both their own roles and responsibilities and those of their colleagues and thereby to facilitate joint working. It also sets out how local areas should monitor the implementation of this Protocol and ensure that feedback develops and enhances local practice. The purpose of this protocol is to supplement the Home Office Concordat on Children in Custody. The Concordat forms the basis for this document and the London specific sections are highlighted. Practitioners should be aware that this version of the Concordat doesn’t include the appendices with contact details for the custody suites and out of hours/emergency duty teams. These are updated regularly and circulated by email.
London Rapid Reviews Analysis Report:
London Protocol for CiC & Concordat website Final June 19 Word
London Rapid Reviews Analysis Report:
London Protocol for CiC & Concordat website Final June 19 PDF

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